Clerks maintain and preserve important public records for a county or local government, including detailed local maps such as plat maps in Spotsylvania County, VA. These Spotsylvania County plat maps show the property boundaries in a neighborhood, including lots and their dimensions, boundary locations, streets and street numbers, and parcel numbers. These Spotsylvania County maps contain important information for prospective buyers who may be concerned about easements, rights of way, flood zones, and public access on a particular plot of land. Clerks often provide online access to plat maps.
Spotsylvania County Clerk Spotsylvania VA PO Box 99 22553 540-507-7006 Suggest Edit
Recorders of Deeds maintain real estate ownership documents to ensure the accuracy of property, land, and property tax records in Spotsylvania County, VA. As part of this responsibility, Recorders of Deeds typically keep detailed Spotsylvania County plat maps. These maps show the subdivisions in a tract of land, including boundary locations, parcel and street numbers, property lines, and lot dimensions. Plat maps also include Spotsylvania County flood zones, easements, and rights of ways, as well as public access land. The Recorder of Deeds often provides public access to plat maps through its website.
Spotsylvania County Recorder of Deeds Spotsylvania VA PO Box 96 22553 540-507-7600 Suggest Edit
Assessors are responsible for determining the value of taxable property within Spotsylvania County, VA. These property assessments are used to levy property taxes. In addition, Spotsylvania County Assessors maintain detailed neighborhood maps that contain information about the properties. These plat maps include all the lots in a tract of land, boundary locations, street numbers, property lines, and lot dimensions. Spotsylvania County plat maps also show any easements or rights of way. Assessors are responsible for assigning a parcel number to each lot, which appears on the map. Plat maps may be available online through the Assessor's website.
Spotsylvania County Revenue Commission Spotsylvania VA 9104 Courthouse Road 22553 540-507-7052 Suggest Edit
Treasurers and Tax Collectors are responsible for collecting taxes at the local level and distributing these funds in Spotsylvania County, VA. In order to collect Spotsylvania County property taxes, the Treasurer and Tax Collector typically maintains maps covering its jurisdiction, including plat maps. These plat maps provide detailed information on a neighborhood or local area, including property boundaries and divisions, lot dimensions, parcel and street numbers, and land sizes. Spotsylvania County plat maps also contain important information for prospective buyers about flood zones, easements, rights of way, and public access. The Spotsylvania County Treasurer and Tax Collector may provide online access to plat maps on its website.
Spotsylvania County Treasurer Spotsylvania Courthouse VA 9104 Courthouse Road 22553 540-507-7058 Suggest Edit